The Linn County Jail is happy to announce the availability of banking service for Adults in Custody through CorrectPay.
Friends and family of Adults in Custody may make deposits on an AIC’s account by calling the (855) 836-3364 or visiting their website HERE. Once on their site, you may choose to put money on either a commissary account or a bonding account. Please continue reading below for details about each type of account and the restrictions and services associated with each account.
Commissary Account
Each AIC will have access to a commissary account in the CorrectPay system. Through the tablets in the facility, they are able to see each transaction occurring on their account. With funds on their commissary account, an AIC is able to move funds to an internal account, enabling them to purchase phone time and time on the tablet for any paid features. This is a change from the past process. Friends and family can no longer place money directly on the phone/tablet account for the AIC. Once funds are placed on the phone/tablet account, they cannot be moved back to the commissary account. In the past, this created an unwanted restriction for AICs and you, the friend or family member. Additionally, in the past, once funds were moved to the phone/tablet account, the AIC was not able to get those funds returned to them on their release date. This too has changed with CorrectPay. Now, when an AIC is released from custody, all unused funds on their commissary account and their phone account will be returned to them. It is important to know, if an AIC chooses to do so, they may also post bail on charges with bail assigned to them, from their commissary account.
Bonding Account
The bonding account in the CorrectPay system is where a friend or family member, if they chose to do so, may place funds for the AIC to bail themselves out on charges where bail has been assigned. It is important for you to know, if monies are placed on the bonding account and an AIC is released without being required to post bail, these monies too will be released to the AIC when they leave the facility.
Other Important Information
Friends and family may also access the CorrectPay system using the kiosk in our lobby. It accepts cash and cards. If you experience any problems with transactions in the CorrectPay system you should call their customer service line at (855) 836-3364. The Oregon Division of Financial Regulation can also help settle disputes and their page can be found HERE.