What are the Reserves?

The Reserve Deputy Sheriff program provides supplemental personnel for routine law enforcement activities, broadens the capabilities of the Sheriff’s Office to handle unusual events and emergencies, enhances public service and garners citizen support and understanding of the Sheriff’s Office function through citizen involvement. The Sheriff`s Office Reserve Deputy Sheriff program increases citizen involvement in law enforcement by their participation in Sheriff`s Office activities.

What is required to become a Reserve Deputy Sheriff?

To become a Reserve Deputy Sheriff, you must submit an application. The minimum qualifications to become a Reserve are the same as a full-time sworn deputy. The hiring process involves a screening interview with the Reserves Program Coordinator or Division Commander, an Oral Board interview, an aptitude test paid for by the Sheriff’s Office (using the National Testing Network – FrontLine National exam), successfully passing the ORPAT with a time under 5:30, and other requirements. Reserves are required to complete a Reserve Academy and field training in a timely fashion.

What do the reserves do?

Reserves are further expected to attend monthly reserve meetings, participate in decision making, and fulfill the monthly obligation of 20 hours of volunteer time a month. Reserves can complete this requirement by attending meetings and training, and doing patrol work or special events work.

For more information, contact Sergeant Steve Frambes at 541-967-3950 or send him an email SFrambes@linnsheriff.org.