Please read the following paragraphs carefully, and be sure you agree with them before you sign this application.
I understand that the Linn County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Post is a volunteer organization, sanctioned by the Linn County Sheriff’s Office, and committed to the ideals of community service, personal growth, honesty and integrity.
I understand that the Linn County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Post is recognized throughout Oregon for its high standard of professionalism, discipline, and dedication to duty. It is expected by the citizens of Linn County that the Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Post be on call 24 hours a day, year round, to provide emergency service. I know that this emergency service may sometimes be performed in the presence of the public, news media or victim’s family and I will conduct myself in a highly professional manner at all times.
I understand that the Linn County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Post has rules, regulations and policies governing its members attendance, training, personal appearance, equipment, and personal conduct both on and off duty, and that when I freely volunteer to join this organization, I am promising to adhere to those rules. I understand and accept that if I fail to do so, my membership with the Linn County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Post may be terminated.
Realizing the serious responsibilities of its emergency service mission, I hereby make application for membership in the Linn County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Post.