Two new patrol deputies for the Linn County Sheriff’s Office graduated from the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training 16-week academy yesterday.  Sheriff Bruce Riley, and his staff, we on-hand to celebrate the accomplishment and graduation of Deputy Beckie McBride and Deputy Jordan Kirksey.

Deputy Beckie McBride previously worked in the Linn County Jail as a Corrections Deputy Sheriff.  Deputy Jordan Kirksey had previously worked in various Reserve and Marine Patrol capacities at the Benton County Sheriff’s Office, before coming over to the Linn County Sheriff’s Office as a full-time Deputy Sheriff.  Both employees did exceptionally well.

Deputy McBride shared, “I can honestly tell you that I am glad for all of the experiences I have had here [at the Academy]. I love learning and feeding my brain, and I enjoy learning skills both mental and physical to help me perform my job better.”  Sheriff Riley has no doubt Deputy McBride will continue her outstanding performance habits in the Jail to her service in the community throughout Linn County.

When Deputy Kirksey was asked about entering this profession, especially given the current state of law enforcement in the United States, he said, “It is important that all of us take the Con-Sim, DT’s (defensive tactics) and scenario training seriously because we are often training through actual scenarios. We need to try and not make the same mistakes the previous person made that got them injured, or killed.” The DPSST staff of instructors constantly update the curriculum presented to new recruits at the Academy, which Sheriff Riley is thankful for.  This results in the most prepared graduates, ready to enter their communities, powered by the most updated tactics, knowledge and skills.

When you see our new Deputy Sheriff’s around Linn County, please introduce yourself, and give them congratulations on their accomplishments.