Linn County Undersheriff Jim Yon contacted the family and all are doing well. David Koker-Gosda and Emily Blanchard are proud parents of baby Jedidiah; weighing in at 6lbs, 2oz. Congratulations!

Linn County Undersheriff Jim Yon reports that today May 10, 2018, at 10:43 a.m., Linn County Sheriff’s Office 9-1-1 Center received a call for help from a man whose girlfriend was in active labor.  Dispatch Supervisor Deanna McKay, quickly began instructing the man and another woman on scene how to prepare for imminent birth; the baby’s head was crowning.   McKay’s job was to assist the people on scene to help deliver the baby safely and ensure mother and baby were taken care of until medics could arrive on scene.

During the ten minute period between answering the call and the medics getting on scene, the woman went from active labor to delivering a baby boy!   McKay did a great job of instructing the people on scene (via cell phone on speaker) with what to do and how to care for the baby.

While ten minutes may not seem like a long time, it can seem like an eternity for those in the situation.  The dispatcher taking the call is offering a lot of specific pre-arrival instructions on a call like this that is incredibly stressful and intense.

Thankfully, the individuals at the residence assisting the mother were very calm and followed directions well.  This, with McKay s experience and knowledge made this joyous, yet tense occasion go very smoothly. Congratulations to the new family!

Linn County Dispatch was assisted by the Albany Fire Department.