The Linn County Sheriff’s Office 9-1-1 Communications Center is hard at work this morning implementing our new 9-1-1 telephone system. With tremendous help and expertise from Noble 911 Services, a family-owned Oregon company based in Sisters (, and our vendor partner Intrado, we are ensuring that all citizens living in, traveling through, or visiting Linn County are served by the industry’s best 9-1-1 phone system. Beyond that, our Communications Dispatchers are among the very best in the industry, rooted in Linn County, and serving the community they live in. We are very proud of all our Communications Dispatchers, our implementation team and trainers, and wish them well on today’s go-live!

The GO-LIVE team on-shift today, including (left to right) Communications Manager Sarah Shelton, Communications Dispatcher Brittany Kleiven, Communications Dispatcher Kristin Prouty, Communications Dispatch Supervisor Deanna McKay, and Communications Dispatcher Hannah Webb.
Communications Dispatch Supervisor Deanna McKay is seen taking our first 9-1-1 call on the new phone system.
Communications Dispatcher Hannah Webb taking a 9-1-1 call from the Lebanon, Oregon area.
Old uniform patch for Linn County Communications.